Parents ~ F.Y.I

Parent Information


Regular attendance at school is compulsory. Please phone the school to report your child's absence or late arrival. 

Lost and Found

BRS has a lost and found bin located by the student's bootroom.  Please check the bin on a regular basis for items that your child may have misplaced.

Weather Policy

All students are required to spend recess outdoors, unless the weather is too severe and an indoor recess occurs. Students are expected to dress appropriately for the weather.

Change of Address/Telephone Number

It is important the all student files are kept up-to-date regarding changes of address, phone number, cell number, parent's place of work, and a number in order for you to be contacted in the event of an accident or emergency.  Please notify the school of any changes to this information as it occurs.

Personal Electronic Devices

Expensive items such as Cell Phones and Electronic Toys should NOT be brought to school as they may be broken or become lost.  The school will not be responsible for the loss of such items.


Students are strongly discouraged from bringing toys to school.  Toys brought to school are very distracting to the child as well as other students.  The school will not accept responsibility for any toys brought to school.